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Showing posts from August, 2005

Leaving the Old World for almost a Year...

...11 months and 15 days to be exact. I'm going to study in OleMiss University on a scholarship from the US Government, so all my Bosnian contact numbers and adresses (don't worry, the email adress in my Profile stays operational) are offline from Tuesday the 16th. On a side note, just a glimpse into my mood about people asking me how I feel about going away for so long. The counterpart in this comic book carries no resemblance to anyone I know and is there just because he looks nice in the character selection... "Take it Easy", a Comic Strip by R2C that is to say, Me :) And a link to the site I created this Strip on. Beware, it's time consuming like hell :) StripGenerator Maybe before Tuesday: some Nokia Ringtones. PS: This is just a way to bring more people to my Blog. It's probably going to be just the ringtone made by my sister of the song "Black Hole Sun"... :P