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Here I Am...

WashingtonNever mind, an old song...
To begin with, a brief account of our visit to Washington D.C., a lovely place that by some strange universal accident landed on a wrong continent. :)
We didn't get much chance to walk around the City, somewhat because of the rain and also our busy schedule. But we did see (at least from afar) most of the most famous monuments that make this city what it is. We were located in the City Center so we also saw all the old architecture that one wouldn't expect anywhere outside Europe, and also got a tour of a big fortress Americans call State Department.
But we got a chance to see a whole lot of Bosnian politicians. I do not want to curse on this blog so I will just skip the general impression I got from our political "elite" and religious leaders. With people like that our country can only go – downhill.
I did get a chance to meet a lot of interesting people outside of that group. I made a little mistake, 9 Bosnian students came to that anniversary, including me. Suffice it to say that I was just glad that Americans attending the commemoration (unfortunate choice of words, whoever named this thing) paid much more attention to what we were about then what those politicians ... had to say. The students (in alphabetical order):
Altumbabic, Sabina - University of Mississippi
Beros, Ana - University of Connecticut
Buzakovic, Darija - Univ of Maryland
Cvoro, Maja - Randolph Macon College
Drljevic, Amir - Univ of Alabama
Eskic, Aleksandar - Univ of North Carolina- Chapel Hill
Jakovac, Josip - Univ of Pennsylvania
Mandic, Asja - Tufts University
and Me. :)
I also have to thank Mark L. Fleming (also visible below, lets see if you can recognize him - a hint? He is American. :)) for keeping up with us during our stay, and our program manager Olivia Borecka for making this trip possible. Hope to see you soon. ;)


Anonymous said…
so what about the promised pictures?:) you see i even use google search from your blog now - unheard of!:) i deserve your pictures...verily!
Emir said…
I'll post them tonight, just for you. There're some nice ones that Sabina took too...
Anonymous said…
oh well, you re rigfht they open w/out any problem, and the picture sare great! i thought Condee didNOT honor your with her presence:) ...?

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