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The Cutest Thing

Does it get any cuter???
Anyway, Cute Overload is a beautifuly cutest thingy blog ever ever blog... What can I say, cutest puppies get to me in ways unimaginable to people that don't know me that well...
But not to be all cutsie and puppy eyes on you, a bit of WARNING! This post'll have to do with the next award I'll be giving away as soon as I figure out what it'll be...


Anonymous said…
omg!! this is the cutest thing i have ever seen! how do i get one just like it? what breed is it exactly?!
Anonymous said…
please can you tell me what breed this puppy is, i am extremely interested in getting a little bundle just like it! thank you!
Anonymous said…
It's not really a breed. The dog isn't born that way ]: They dye the fur. The breed of the dog, I don't remember, but when they grow up, they're not as cute as when they were young.
Anonymous said…
i hope your not one of those fucking people who when their puppies grow up get rid of them. people like that should be shot
Anonymous said…
i completely agree, and you know what i hate more than that? puppy mills, where they hold a ton of puppies in despicable conditions.
Anonymous said…
its called a CHOW CHOW
Anonymous said…
I hate puppymills -_-. I rescued my current dog from one. He wasn't really cute as a puppy, but now he's adorable. His front legs are all crooked (most likely from bad breeding). He's a mix of two toy breeds (yes, wonderful) and can have a temper when we don't feed him rigt at seven in the morning (he...gets P.O'ed and pees...pardon the pun), but he is still one of the best dogs we've ever had.
Sheala said…
the breed is a chow, but they don't come in those colors. They're usually a solid orange or a grayish black
hailey said…
Unknown said…
It is a Chow Chow, and they come in more colors than just the orange and "blue". They can come in any color, black, blue, cream, orange, red, brown... anything... Im sure the fur was not dyed. If the pic was on Cute Overload, its most likely a legit photo. I work in a pet store (dont give me any crap about it, i already know what your going to say and you can stuff it)and i know alot about dogs, and have read almost every AKC standards book out there.
This photo was at an Ethical Animal Treatment Conference I went to last year... I think it's from a country somewhere in Asia and they bleached the chocolate coloured Chow Chow's fur in order for it o look like a Panda. I've seen the process photos of them bleaching the poor pup. It's really cruel.
Anonymous said…
yes it is a chow chow puppy and yes it was bleached poor thing :(
Anonymous said…
puppy mills are horrid places they breed dogs in small cramped corners just for a few quick bucks and the cage bottoms are made of wire because the “owners” are to lazy to clean the cage and they hope the mess goes right through the wire and some times all the dogs get is one meal a day and most of the time its only table scraps so sad :(
Anonymous said…
that is just cruel if it wsa rly bleached!!!! but obviously its a panda
Anonymous said…
this is not a panda. and it is cruel to alter an animal's appearance simply because you dont like how they look. Albeit, it is adorable. But im sure it was adorable before it was bleached. The poor thing had no say in what was done to it.
Anonymous said…
wow really? that person SERIOUSLY thinks its a panda? jeeze people are so fuckin stupid! that is a DOG not a panda. use your eyes, pandas dont look like dogs.

guh people on the internet really piss me off, and they are all out there breeding, creating mroe stupid people.

and that poor dog, bleaching its fur, how awful. other countries treat animals like trash. nuke all them crappy countries with all those shitty people.
Anonymous said…
uhh... i think it's a panda, you nutjobs. that's PROBABLY why it LOOKS like a panda, wackos.
Anonymous said…
uh... don't see a dog, here. Just a panda >:]
Anonymous said…
OMG that is the cutest thing i have ever seen it looks like a tny panda xxxx soooooo cute xxx
Anonymous said…
yes i agree ppl this puppy is very adorable, but it is not a actual panda. i'm not sure if the fur was bleached like the retarded maniac said earlier. the dog looks like a chow. One of the easiest ways to point out that this is a dog, check out its black/purple tongue, a very common trait to chows and panda's only have pink tongues. also you can tell by the ears snout and tail. I hope this was helpful. Also please disregard what the idiot person said earlier. its so sad that he was making fun of soo many ppl when he himself couldn't spell "more" lol pot calling the kettle black if you ask me. ;)
Anonymous said…
cutest puppy ever its like a little panda
Anonymous said…
This dog looks like a cross between a seal and a Soooooooooooo unnatural lol gotta love how much people have fucked with the dog genome over the years lol
Anonymous said…
the thing is i love the chow chow it is ssssssssssssssssssoooooooooooooooooo cute yes but their fur is not died

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