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Beginning in Style :)

Finally, I’ve come around to writing this Blog in English. As it’s obvious to the World, when you want to be heard, you’ve got to write in English. And since this art exhibit did have an international character, it’s just one more reason to write about it first. Anyways, here goes...
Mirko Ilic

Gun I'll start with some biography info: Mirko Ilic was born in Bijeljina (BiH) in 1956, but lived most of his life in Zagreb, Croatia. There he finished the Art School and even published his first illustration in 1972.

In 1975 he starts regular drawing for several local magazines (Studentski list, Polet, Start, Danas...) and even for international magazines Panorama and Pardon. From 1976 to 1979 he's the leader of a comic book group called 'Novi Kvadrat' / New Square that included some famous artists (few of them still famous across the Globe): Ilic-Kordej-Devlic-Kunc-Marusic.

After fulfilling his dream of being published in every major European comic book magazine he leaves the comic book drawing forever for the lack of interest and because he believes that the Movies like Terminator (!?), The Matrix and Star Wars (!!!) make drawing irrelevant since it can be much better shown in moving pictures and special effects!!!

In 1986 he goes to New York, where he cooperate's with numerous influential US magazines: Time, The New York Times, The New York Times Book Review, Washington Post, Money ... In 1991 he becama the Art Director of The New York Times, and in 1995 he starts a 3D computer graphic and animation company, which specializes for printed media and movie titles. He received numerous awards (Illustrator Society, I.D. Magazin), and today he teaches illustration on the final year of the School of Visual Art's in New York.
For the end, here’re three of his illustrations that could be seen in Sarajevo in the ‘Art Gallery BiH’ in March this year. More of them can be seen on his web–site: .

Irak JustStatue


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