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Now I know some people who don't like sequels...

...but it's the way it has to be. I rarely can put in writing everything I feel or think all at once. Usually it takes time to make things sound right and I guess I can't go forever editing my posts, so I'll be writing something like a diary... I guess...
Anyways, where was I? Ah yess, the HYall's and everybody smiling all the time. I guess it's the thing that you never can know for sure who's that guy standing next to you on the bus and who's shoulder you (oh dear lord!!!) touched a little bit with your elbow while reaching for that pole you can hold on to just in case. Or just who maybe insulted by you sneezing infront of them even if you are standing 10 yards away from each other. You should say "Excuse me", just in case.
Now this is NOT what I appreciate. Damn, people, sometimes things happen and you don't have to say sorry for everything all the goddamn time! But it's like that so you have to start doing the same or you become rude, and it gets you thinking...
What I do appreciate is that when they're smiling and saying 'Hi' to you (they don't say Hi Yall if there isn't at least one person with you, obviously) they look so real! And damn, any guy, be he fat or be he thin, be he tall or be he small, appreciates it when a great looking girl smiles at him or with him while passing him on the street, no matter what she's actually thinking at that moment. And it just makes me feel better at least for a little while...
Now since I started off with girls I'll continue in the same tone. Best looking girls are sorority girls, that's obvious to anyone who's ever watched an american program involving students. But even if you don't hang out at the same places as fraternity/sorority members at the begining of every year you may enjoy the pleasure of hanging out with sorority potentials cos they still didn't pass the initiation process. And rarely will there be a satisfying conversation with them (but I did change the opinion about the rest of America a little bit) but everything else? Damn! as they say here in the South.
You see, unlike this strange picture Americans have about us, American girls are sooo more open (especially on the dance floor) then European girls that it's amazing. Most of the times you don't even have to approach them to dance, just be there, stay cool and suddenly a gorgeuse girl falls into your lap.
Now everyone who knows me knows that I am not one of the handsomest guys but boys, be prepared for anything in the USofA! And I mean it, be prepared, safety first.
You expected a safe sex web site, didn't you? :) Got to keep you on your toes or you won't be coming back here...
Now I ran out of ideas but am leaving you with enough to read as it is. Read me soon...


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