People wanted more photo's...
And since I don't exactly know what to write about...
Well, here you are... My lovely Bosnian sister. :) Sabina, Fullbright Undergrad from Tuzla.
First meeting of the Planet Partners in the Grove, what was the date?... Sometime in September. Hence the short pants.
From left to right: Hyewon Hwang (Korea), Varun Kumar (India) and Hyejeong Pang (Korea).

And since I don't exactly know what to write about...
Well, here you are... My lovely Bosnian sister. :) Sabina, Fullbright Undergrad from Tuzla.

From left to right: Hyewon Hwang (Korea), Varun Kumar (India) and Hyejeong Pang (Korea).

The Second Planet Partners meeting yesterday, 10/27/2005, we carved those pumpkn headsamericans make for their children, burned some marshmallow over the fire you can see in the first photo, and then danced those ridiculous square dances you can see in movies that show the life on the Wild West or South. Anyway, had a lot of fun. :)
The only sign of wildlife in Oxford (apart from a couple of robins and sparrows). There's like a thousand of them on campus and every once in a while students get hit on their heads with nuts. Oh yeah, and there're some different kinds of bugs.
Remember that Homecoming Queen I mentioned? I don't think she was ever seen together with the Colonel Reb (Homecoming King) at the same time.
Part of the Homecoming parade.
Fucking Americans and their Shows. :) And this is only the University Football.
But who cares. :D
Photo's a little blurry, but still a nice one for the end of the post. ;)

Part of the Homecoming parade.
Fucking Americans and their Shows. :) And this is only the University Football.

Photo's a little blurry, but still a nice one for the end of the post. ;)
P.S. You can say "Hello" to Sabina in my behalf. ;)
To all Muslims, Eid Mubarek from Round2Create Blog!!!