Here are some photos from my birthday party (well, one of them, the one I had at midnight was with a little less people and, unfortunately without a camera).
With this note I will direct all of you (who, by some strange accident never heard of it) to the new sidebar link. FaceBook is the growing online society of American students and I think, faculty members aswell, where you can post photos like these and see photos of other people, join clubs and meet other people etc. etc. Nice little thingie with a big future (it exists only for a year and already incompasses all American Universities). So all you non-Americans don't have to worry for a long time, it will spread.
I guess I should mention a story that has a potential of becoming HUGE in the coming year. If you skip some nationalistic stuff, it seems to indicate that there is a 100m PYRAMID in Bosnia and Herzegovina! It seems to be very old, and was covered by some layers of earth over the centuries but the uncovering has begun. Follow up will be there, but if it doesn't turn out to be a great hoax, man... first pyramid in Europe...
There are some great pictures of the hill that is believed to be the "Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun" (implying its similarity to Asztec pyramids in Southern and Central America) and even if it is all bull shit, at least you get to see one of the oldest towns in Bosnia, Visoko.