Now all of you know that the teams here're all "Rebels" and the supporters are "Rebels" and you can find anything with the same word on it, from T-shirts to spoons and pencils. That's America for you.
But you don't know the "supporters cheer", hehehehe. And this is where it gets funny. "Are You Readdyyy??!"
Hell Yeah!I can just see the faces of all the people I know back home (goddamn this blog, it doesn't support smileys...). Theyre probably asking themselves: "What MADE you memorise this???!!!" Well, it was either this or let the Alabama University supporters win the "singing of the cheers" contest in the local Pub... Heh, you get the picture.
Damn Right!
Hotty Totty!
Gosh Almighty!
Who The Hell Are We?
Flim Flam!
Bim Bam!
Ole Miss!
By Damn!
And you hear this all over the place, all you have to be is drunk (or otherwise "highspirited") and yell out "Are you ready!?" Beautiful really, especially since you get so many girls join in the singing, not like back home where it's not for women to cheer, especially when you're a STUDENT, then you don't EVER watch sports. Another thing I like about the high education in the States. And girls... Have I mentioned I like girls here?...
Anyway, for the end I will direct you to the top of the page where now you can:
1. Search the net with Google! I did this only so you'll put my blog as your starting page (as if you already didn't :)), and so you don't have to instal that search bar they offer. But you can still do these things, really.Also the sidebar is now a little lower down with the text bcos of all the adds, but they load really easy and still bring me some FREE CASH. So if you see smth nice, click on it, Google doesn't bring you spam, just great opportunities... I think...
2. Download the latest version of Firefox, the most popular internet browser after the Iexplorer (shudder). I prefere it so I think you should too. ;)
3. At least, look at the page of AdSense, Google's offer to all webmasters to add these great features to their websites FOR FREE, and get this, EARN SOME MONEY. I don't know how well it works over seas, but it doesn't cost you anything to try. All I know is that that space up there really was boring and now looks much better.
And again nobody contacted me so I'll have to ask again and again. I leave to you all until the end of November to give me your opinions about a new name for the blog. Not to deterr from the current name too much, I thought of these THREE choices (bcos the "r2c" is already taken):
1. r2cu.blogspot.comJust noticed that this message editor doesn't have the underline option. Weird...
2. r2create.blogspot.com
3. round2c.blogspot.com
So these're my suggestions. All comments put in the comment section, or send me an informative email to the email adress in the sidebar. Also you can contact me with suggestions about the look of the page, whether you like the adds at all (not that I'll do much about it, but they can be smaller and less pictoresque, if necessary...), also on email and comments.
Now I think about it, I am excepting original logos for this blog. I can't pay you, of course, but what ever you'd like to see here (as long as it's not an already existing logo of a company) send it in and if there're enough ideas we can vote on it together. The artist who wins gets his name written below the logo wherever it may appear.
Logo should be either a perfect square (all the sides the same, how do the Americans call these...squares?) or a regular banner size (you know, a square but with one longer sides then the others,... it usually goes to the top of the page? And I say that I know English...).
I can work on them to fit into a page but it has to be some shape or the other. Send them in the best resolution no matter how much they weigh, to the email, also by the end of November. By then I should have a couple of my own ideas and the final look of the blog prepared.
Read me tomorow.