Anyway this is another Web Comic I found and that has me intrigued somewhat on how the story may continue. If you follow this link, you'll find a simply drawn comic (without color, smth. I prefer very much) by Jonathan Allen (another poor student like me, trying to make a living...), about nuclearly induced temporal distortions, couple of "revolutionary" thieves that will just this one night steal 'only' food from a grocery store and a creature that travels the time and space of all the Universes in an instant.
Interestingly enough, this immediately reminded me of Narnia and Lewis' depiction of a world created and coordinated by a Lion. Also I immediately loved the weird looking characters (that might be better if drawn bigger) because of their real life-likenes, even though they're supposed to be Dogs, Cats and what-what.
One other thing (cos the comic isn't finished and I don't really want to destroy your enjoyment in reading it :)): don't be put off by the first couple of pages that don't seem to have much sense. It will be more than obvious later. Warmly recommended to any and all openminded individuals, and from today you'll be able to link to the latest page of the comic from my sidebar (if you, like me, have more than enough Bookmarks).
Also, if you feel like runing through hundreds of comics, go to the OnlineComics Website to see other online work and leave feedback or whatever to the artists.
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Thanks for your attention.