In other news, I have succesfully added an Online Comic Strips section to the sidebar, so now you can daily enjoy the same strips I do. Apart from Doonesbury and Boondocks, there are now also Scott Kurtz's "Player vs. Player" (PvP) and several volumes of a Comic titled Dicebox. I just discovered Dicebox (again, thanks to Darko Macan's blog for all of you who understand Croatian/Bosnian/Serbian), so we can read it together. It seems very controversial and rather too blatant at some points but story so far has only few glitches and the artwork is unusually good for web comics.
I have also more nicely layed out for you my Earlier Articles section, now going back to the first article I wrote since coming here. For earlier articles you can also browse through the monthly archives, although this November is the month I wrote the most since beginning this. I guess money is an incentive, especially if you're a student.