But I think my muscles are actually rejoycing at the chance to do some real work after a long time. I think the only other time I felt like this in the past five years was after a two day trip across the mountains around Sarajevo with skiis and a lot of other mountaineering gear. Don't want to spread the story long and wide 'cos most of the stuff I mention you wouldn't have even heard of anyways.
Yes, it's Yoga. Before Yoda, today Yoga. I guess I was actually subcontiously considering Yoga lessons when I posted that picture... But anyways, there're a lot of FREE lessons for OleMiss students and teaching staff (heh, when will we see a thing like that in Bosnia???) during the week and I had some extra time yesterday and hence my complaining. We actually did the same excercises as in this small pic, but don't ask me to tell you the names, I haven't a clue.
Ofcourse, swimming afterwards and some dancing last night didn't help me feel better today. ;)
Finnaly got my laptop back. Don't you hate it when that Config-Sys file disappears for no apparent reason? Luckily I have a computer geek friend that helps me in situations like this (thank you Varun :D), and now can continue with what's interesting.
First of, RSS. Or in my case, Atom.xml service. Blogger with Google gives it's users (and with that, me too) an Atom feed of our blogs that people can sign up for. And yes, here're suggestions for you to make your blog noticable in this net of all different people talking at once. Thank you Lord of Net! :)
Now how to read these feeds? Google's taken care of that for you aswell! First you have to have a google account. If you don't, just contact me and i'll send you the invitation (though, who doesn't have it these days ;)). With that, you sign up at the Google Reader web site and add the sites you want to receive the feed from. Easy to use, a lot simpler than clicking on all those links you have lying around. And now you can subscribe to my Blog too!
Now I'll be going on, it seems there's a party somewhere i need to get to. Have a nice Saturday night ;)
Damn. I'll get you next time.
didnt see this immediately. it's the ex-Yegoslavian languages, vurdlak and i know each other from a forum so we agreed to click on eachothers ads and make some money.