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Don't really have any valuable excuses for not posting these past several days, like saving the world or inventing the cure for AIDS. So I'll just post the ones I have, and everybody who knows me will say "That is SO Emir!". (Implying a Warner Bro's "original series" children these these days seem to be enjoying very much - thanks to my 10 year old cousin, now I know it too!.)

SiP!!! Never thought I'd go through another soap opera (after "Gaviota" they all seem so repetitive and boring ...) but this one's actually a comic book soap opera, going on for ten years and since Terry Moore will be at the WonderCon in 8 days (oh yeah, Frank Miller is also coming if somebody's interested...), Dekara just happened to mention that he's one of his favorite writers/artists and... *hint* Come on, people, what does he do with comics he likes???! *hint* Anyways, started reading and got hooked, with Katchoo and Francine, David and Tambi... Strangers in Paradise get you going (or not) like any other soap opera, but the humor (oh the laughs) and theme's it describes and analyzes... Well, let's just say that Moore's been doing for the past 10 years what some television shows (and even movies) are uselessly attempting only recently. Great reading and looking forward to the next issue (but also very glad that the series will end in 2007... 'cos if it doesn't, I'm coming and I'm coming with the guns flaring!). [That's also the main reason why I haven't done any writing here, sorry...]

AdGentaSo you don't think those ads I've posted all round can't be useful to anyone and are there just to make your life more miserable - I'm making this post with a peace of software from one of them - Qumana. T'is an interesting little piece of blog editing software that has some nice extra features then your usual blogger. Hey, if it doesn't work or I get bored, I can always go back. But so far it's working fine. Oh yeah, and it gives another chance to earn some money - hence the AdGenta pick to the left and a new ad below. Maybe this way I'll make more money faster then with the AdSense.

So, in 7 days, WonderCon. That's going to be FUUUUN!!! I'll take so many photo's there won't be enough space to post them all! But I'll go around the San Francisco as much as I can in those four days aswell. Just have to finish a couple of assignments before I go...

No limit

There's a group of young people I'm a part of and they try to make the best of natural resources Bosnia offers in the time they have. Remarkable when you observe just how difficult a young (wo)man's life is in a developing country like Bosnia, but we still pull it off. SPKD "No Limit" are young rescuers, mountaineers, speleologysts, rock climbers... in short, people that the old Chinese sayings about "crazy westerners" were made for in the first place. This is the link to the Blog in Bosnian, but soon there'll be a web site soon so I'll keep you informed when and how it turns out.

In other less important news, I found that my favorite Sarajevo radio, eFM Student radio (link on the left) has an option of listening to their program online (probably's been there for years, I just didn't pay attention... - you can paste the link directly to the RealPlayer and listen without your browser on, something neither iTunes nor MediaPlayer have); Bush addressed the nation and actually said that America is "victorious in Iraq". But Democrats didn't booh! him on that, no, they've got more style, they actually boohed! him on the social security issues. All for the ellections... But I really don't want to get into it, just like that issue about Denmark journalists making every Muslim in the World angry. All that's so irrelevant for this blog. :D

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