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Excess of Time and Resources

Since I have time, free internet and very little work here in the States (student exchange program slowly turns out to be quite a vacation compared to conditions of the Bosnian educational system), I thought of writing on this Blog instead of writing everybody I know emails of just how well I'm doing.
And what am I going to start with?
Well americans, obviously. Americans are a rather silly people, something they and the rest of the World know for a very long time now. But rather succesful in manifesting that silliness in the way they want to and that way really doesn't do them justice. Those movies and TV programs that are trying to show just how an American is living? Not sufficient but in the slightest.
Me, I'm living in the State of Mississipi, a rather pictoresque place, with a lot of strange and often horrible History. Now the rest of Americans are calling these people even stranger then usual but I wouldn't know... well, not yet anyway. But the difference in pronounciation of English words is more then evident and the Hi Yall's can be heard everywhere you go, which is not a bad thing necesserily as I've come to appreciate and I'm sure everybody else would aswell.


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