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Lov'ly jobly

When you start to think about stuff, you really discover that you can put a lot of stuff in writing. Different stuff, every day, and today I'm going back to my favorite: Newspaper Comic Strips.
Calvin and Hobbes actually. Now, Americans will remember (unless they have the "weekend memory", but of that later) this ingenious little boy and his creator, Bill Watterson. People from Bosnia and Herzegovina and neighbouring countries, unless they're either really into comics or spent some time in the States, weren't as lucky to have him in our lives every day and rarely find an interest in looking up what's this all about.
The story in short, follows the adventures of this stereotypical 6 year old, Calvin, who has no friends, loves to spent his time inside instead of outside, is no good in schoolwork, and has only two positive things in his life (as he sees it): his tiger, Hobbes, and his imagination.
How could I even begin to explain just through what do they go through? How can I explain how Calvin survives every day with a REAL LIVE tiger without being eaten alive? I don't! You'll have to do it on your own. Go to whatever P2P program or torrent downloader you have, type in Calvin and Hobbes and enjoy yourself like you never thought possible!
That is, if you don't have the money or a place to order and buy the comics in these beautiful books that are just waiting to be read... Anyway, here's a link to an excellent text about just what made them so great (thanks to Macan) for those that don't feel like reading through 10 and smth. years worth of daily comics.
As for what is new and also ingenious, here're my current favorites (not necessarily in the preferential order):
Doonesbury is THE political strip of the moment. Follow the link and see for yourself stuff you won't see anywhere else.
Unless, ofcourse, you prefer Boondocks. :) The best north America has to offer at the moment. Enjoy it!!!!


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