Anyways, I've been here for more then two weeks now and what do I have to show for it? Not much really, I usually get to going to the Downtown (pretty much the only interesting part of the City) only at night and this statue is the only really succesful shot I got. I have a lot of family and friends photos inside though, so I'll probably post them later below.
I'm not revealing the surprise yet (not until I go back to the University, I don't have to drive to a post office there...), but I am going to share some stuff I've discovered in this time I've been inactive:
I've rented my Blog for the first time to Scooter McGavin over the BlogExplosion (in the right Sidebar) so, sorry everybody else, he was the first to come. Next time though, the price has to go up. ;)Can't remember anything else at the moment except that the Blog will be going under some changes these days (adding new links, changing some old ones and ads, damned ads...), and I'll just post some other photos of Chicago and myself. :)
New Comic Book Forum (soon a website too) on this adress.
An excellent Blog about political issues in America today - but without the political correctnes! Martian Antropologist gives it as it is, right here.
My bit to the Australian comic book community - 300 faces in 30 days, quite a target when you think about it. Nicely done and for a good cause - check it out.
Today: BBC.co.uk (whose link was undeservingly erased in the process of reconstructing the Blog) brings us a story about how a Bosnian laboratory will be conducting the DNA analyses of 350 Hurricane Katrina victims. The same laboratory was involved a year earlier in the DNA tests on Tsunami victims and still continues its work on identifying people found in hundreds of mass graves all over Bosnia and Herzegovina. Just my way of paying tribute to these awesome men and women.

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