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And Done!

THE AWARD IS GIVEN! Stop guessing, all will be explained.
The country with the biggest number of slaves is INDIA. Country with one of the largest populations in the world might claim that those people are just "poor and are really getting paid" but with a corrupt system of local goverments and really no way to control what goes on on its teritory, closer to truth sound the reports of NGO's currently working in India, that put an estimate of 20 MILION SLAVES living there (if you'd call that existence "living").
Prof. Bales explains this excelently in his book, "Disposable People: New Slavery in the Global Economy" and shows that there's a huge possibility that the cloth you're wearing right now was made by a slave (not necessarily in India, China has human rights violations beyond description, etc.). The website I gave you in one of my earlier posts, is the place where you want to go and get his book and many others. All the money you give them goes directly to freeing more slaves, some of whos stories you're able to read on the website. I already have this book, bought off of that site and am definitely NOT giving or selling it away.
The award goes to Anna Pechenkina, and at least I don't have to send it far away. :D
But don't worry about it, there'll be more once in a while, can't do it all the time though. And for the end, a juicy treat for all - the second post of the day. :P Going up...


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