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At and t

Remember, reward is still on (visible below), just get the answer right:

Which country is considered by the experts to have the biggest number of slaves in the world at the moment?

Now don't think that that's all what this book is about. Although slavery is one of the worst examples, this book approaches the problem of unifying the legal solutions of all other major violations of human rights aswell (such as child molestation). And if you don't know, how will you tomorow prevent it?

Anyway, on the lighter note, another blogging friend joined my Addictive Blog list, and he's the one who suggested new AdSense ads and the change of scenery - blame him if you don't like it. :) He'll give you all the new gadgets and web content you din't even think you needed, every day any day. Hey, the kid is trying, so give him some credit, right?

Just recently, I've again started using my old personal yahoo email adress, because some of my friends have this bloody habbit of not leaving something that's outdated ... - and was surprised just how much yahoo messenger has improved! Talking option, speed, radio and definitely best emoticons on the messengers at the moment. I won't post a link to it 'cos it's real easy to find, and I say better more options then less.

First big Comic Book Convention of the year and I'm going to it. :) San Francisko will be the host of the WonderCon 2006 from February 10 - 12, and I'm going as a volunteer, to meet all those great authors and artists we buy every month or every year and read with such delite. All I have to do now is find a cheap flight ticket deal to San Francisko or San Diego.

What do lemon and law have to do together? Well, lemon law is apparently legislation in the US that protects you from buying an unrepairable car. Why am I talking about it? No reason really, just found it interesting...

* A Serbian publisher uncovered! What lies behind the not-so-nice-after-all facade "Lavirint" owners have been wearing???
* What is Emir really doing in life except wasting his time on studies and this blog???
See you all tomorow. ;)


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