First, the surprise is: I'm giving away A BOOK! Yes, amazingly enough (if you didn't gather that much from my two clues :)) it will be a book about Human rights and the person that will get it (yes, just one 'cos it's one I bought for class and I really don't have enough money to give more then one) will have to answer the question correctly.
Now I have one more thing I need to see from everyone who comes by these days and checks out my blog: please comment! It's not that difficult, and you don't have to write down the pinnackle of the human thought, you just have to click on comments. No registration, remain anonymous (though there's no need to), all you have to do is write down that combination of letters and numbers bloggers use just to avoid spamming comments with advertisements for p.... enlargement and such.
An announcement: 'tis such a big world and people that read this blog come from all over. You also celebrate so many holidays that I would just have to write posts to wish you all the best for them every other day. On that note, here're two holidays I've missed since I've been on the road:
MERRY CHRISTMAS (to all non-Orthodox Christians, there're two)
EID MUBARAK (again, yes, to all non-Muslims, there're two)
And to end here's a sneek preview at a photo that'll decorate my blog background from tomorow or the day after - location where it was shot St. Louis, Missouri.