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Just an Info and Contact page for all of your pleasure. Check out what I've done in life so far (in general terms).
EMIR PASANOVIC (November 5th 1983 - ???)
Born and grew up in Sarajevo, went through fire and brimstone (War 1992 - 1995) and came out a better man.
Finished Elementary and High School there quite remarkably since I never really sat down and studied (well, except Math but that's like, you either know it or you don't). Found out what it's like to study at the University though...
In the process I got involved with a lot of seriously crazy people trying to make the World a better place to live in, and gone crazy with them so I continue trying that insane task. Traveled around Europe, liked Poland most of all... and Budapest, though we should've had more time to walk around.
University you might ask? Continued my traveling, decided to pursue a career in justice majoring in Law (the only school without ANY math), and it got me a scholarship to come to Mississippi. Weird, I know, but I didn't choose where to come.
Also, I like languages I know and books, yes, quite fond of books and "graphic novels". That's why I try my best with two and a half publishers to bring what I enjoy in English to Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian. Pages from my most recently published translation you can see here and here (comic book is "Brit" by Image Comics writer Robert Kirkman and artist Tony Moore).

Contact info:
  • The Official Blog Email
  • Private Email

  • And a little reminder to post comments about everything you dont like if you dont care so much about emailing me. Hell, if you just want to say that you have the same birthday like I do, or if you know when will I die, :P press that little Comments link right beneath here...
    Personnal deathclock of Emir Pasanovic


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