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Done it again!

“Grbavica”, a movie by a young director from Sarajevo, Ms. Jasmila Zbanic, won the Golden Bear award of this year’s Berlin Film Festival for the Best movie. This just proves the quality of the filmmakers coming from my city, and is very important especially since it follows what happened in one of the parts of Sarajevo 1992 - 1993.

I can’t talk about the movie before I see it obviously and I don’t think I’ll see it before I go back home but this is one of the reasons you should see it if you can. Also, I acutally auditioned for a minor role in this movie and didn’t get it, so you know you can expect only good acting when you go and see it.

So, turned to wordPress. LOVING it! Aside from the obvious lack of direct template meddling blogger has, Wordpress really takes care of their users and I’m still discovering all the options I can use here. This also means that I’ll be leaving that whole “earning online” shit for a while. No more ads! Just my beautiful content, read it and enjoy. So now the old becomes absolete but I’ll keep it for awhile until all people interested in what I’ve got to say transfere either to or

In other news, comic book related: this is the year when a small meeting of comic
book collectors, admirors and publishers in Makarska, Croatia, becomes larger then life. Meant to become the best comic book convention in Croatia and probably the region, the First Makarska Strip Festival will be held 19th - 21st May 2006 in a seaside city Makarska, Croatia, with the main guest being Hermann Huppen!! You can find info in Croatian here, but I’ll translate the jist of it: for convention program, accomodation reservations etc., contact the organizer Dario Antunovic (or whoever he put in charge of this) on Maybe you want to make the reservations early because the complete website comes out on March the 1st, probably with an english translation and everyone will be able to see it. ;)

This was planned for some time but I forgot to promote it until now. What I can tell you is that this won’t be the classical comic-nerd-meeting-around-their-favorite-author type of festival. Of course there’ll be that, but the more important thing (and the reason why Hermann is coming in the first place) are the beautiful seaside and climate, delicious food and wine and tours of beautiful sights in and around Makarska. Damn it, of all the years I choose to live in America, I just had to choose this one.

Since I started with comics, let’s continue in the same tone. Comics Ign is I guess a “wing” of a game-oriented, a whole network made just for crazy people who enjoy the kind of stuff they offer. Anyways, I think it’s worth checking out AND they have a shitty video about the Wonder Con 2006. Why shitty? Well, primarily bcos it doesn’t have anything to do with comic books (though I might’ve miss-heard, it could’ve been a movie or dress-up convention), and most importantly, they didn’t even catch me in the background!!! Seriously people, I was there and around all those scenes they shot. AND that girl with the vinyil costume? I’ve seen her, yep, not really hot, just an unsuccesfull attempt to cover her thong and boobs… So I guess it’s a good way to see just what the atmosphere was like, except that figurine shit, come on, there was a whole ROW of porn movie stars waiting for men to come around and look them up, buy their photo’s, DVD’s etc. (no touching, trust me, I got the convention hall closed on the account of rape charges that were canceled later after I agreed to a court order and deleted all the photo’s from my camera… or should I really be writing this?).

But I’ll be writing about Wonder Con later after all the impressions have settled in. It’ll be a completely new post category “Reports”, where all future reports of the same kind will go.


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