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Showing posts from January, 2006


Just an Info and Contact page for all of your pleasure. Check out what I've done in life so far (in general terms). EMIR PASANOVIC (November 5th 1983 - ???) Born and grew up in Sarajevo, went through fire and brimstone (War 1992 - 1995) and came out a better man. Finished Elementary and High School there quite remarkably since I never really sat down and studied (well, except Math but that's like, you either know it or you don't). Found out what it's like to study at the University though... In the process I got involved with a lot of seriously crazy people trying to make the World a better place to live in, and gone crazy with them so I continue trying that insane task. Traveled around Europe, liked Poland most of all... and Budapest, though we should've had more time to walk around. University you might ask? Continued my traveling, decided to pursue a career in justice majoring in Law (the only school without ANY math), and it got me a scholarship to come to Missi...

Dolphin Attack!

A thought just occured to me: am I too old for comic books? Am I trying to grip to my childhood so tightly that i'm forgetting to grow up??? Nah, just messin' with ya! :D Anyways, I'm readin' much more comics today then I did when I was ten or seven. Dad wouldn't let me do it then... :) On that note, a new comic added to the sidebar! Pet Professional, after the recommendation of senor Kurtz at the PVP, turned out to be quite entertaining (all the pointless animal killing aside, and since they're not really real it can do no harm... right??? Or maybe little children still shouldn't read it...). I'm sticking to it at least until we see how the Dolphins do in the White House...


To all of you guys that might have been trying to contact me on the new email adress in the sidebar, I misspelled it and none of the emails came through. Now it works fine. ;) On the sidenote and to make your time on my blog a little nicer, here's Garfield. :P Why you should smile? Just be happy that you don't have a cat like him. :lol: Click on the image for a better view.

Blocked On

This is part of a new task I'm setting in front of me: better navigation inside the blog. I have a lot of links, some for my easier navigation when I loose or don't have the usual Bookmarks on the computer, and some for your enjoyment. But I've decided, beside providing you with content, I need to make that content easily accessible. And I've decided to start, again, with Google. All of you guys that use AdSense know this but probably don't pay much attention: there're people out there creating bull-blogs (I have a patent on this word ;)) with words that attract the best payed adds. Now I believe that they're the ONLY ONES visiting those blogs 'cos they usually have only one post and nothing informative at all, and that's I guess how they make money. Some might ask "What do they do with such well earned money???" Well, I'll tell you: they pay Google to put ads on mine and your blogs, with links to THEIR Blogs. That's all fine, but t...


SORE ALL OVER!!! Seriously people, my roommate actually told me this morning I was breathing hard for some reason, and I think it was from exhaustion! But I think my muscles are actually rejoycing at the chance to do some real work after a long time. I think the only other time I felt like this in the past five years was after a two day trip across the mountains around Sarajevo with skiis and a lot of other mountaineering gear. Don't want to spread the story long and wide 'cos most of the stuff I mention you wouldn't have even heard of anyways. Yes, it's Yoga. Before Yoda, today Yoga. I guess I was actually subcontiously considering Yoga lessons when I posted that picture... But anyways, there're a lot of FREE lessons for OleMiss students and teaching staff (heh, when will we see a thing like that in Bosnia???) during the week and I had some extra time yesterday and hence my complaining. We actually did the same excercises as in this small pic, but don't ask me ...

Out of it

I'm lacking any inspiration so I'll just talk about the stuff I found and that might be interesting to you... WWJH Blog - Quite an interesting place with somewhat controversial points of view (starting with the name, but in America, anything with the name of Jesus is controversial) that I agree with. Plus, he'll put a link to my blog so he's a good guy. You can check him daily from the sidebar on the left. I especially like the story about that fanatic that ran into a lions cage yelling "Jesus will save me!" and was eaten by the lions. Film Loop - A new photo sharing tool that lets you put your album on a "loop" visible to your friends across the world. Goes hand in hand with (that's where I got it from in the first place), the website I use for holding most of the pictures and buttons you see here. Me and my sister tried it out and works fine. Didn't get a safety warning from Norton Antivirus either... Google Video - Grea...

What is really going on?

Everyone's wondered about this at least once a year since he/she was born. Are we really going somewhere? Is this existence of significance to anyone but ourselves? Does Emir really exist and if yes, why hasn't anyone dropped him in a river when he was born??? Well, not the latter. :) Since I don't have a link to my profile(s) from here, some might have wondered just who this guy is (especially those that don't like reading my long posts and just wanted to commend me on the excellent way my blog is designed). Heh, not much to tell really, but I just might surprise few onlookers. Well, I'm a Bosniak and let's not get into the religious/tribal issues we people have in Balkans. It's all irrelevant today, but my family and the legacy of my people brought me here and it's important to adress it accordingly. And what do I do apart from bull........ and being a student? Well I've joined several NGO's in my time, organized an existence of one, but when I...

And Done!

THE AWARD IS GIVEN! Stop guessing, all will be explained. The country with the biggest number of slaves is INDIA. Country with one of the largest populations in the world might claim that those people are just "poor and are really getting paid" but with a corrupt system of local goverments and really no way to control what goes on on its teritory, closer to truth sound the reports of NGO's currently working in India, that put an estimate of 20 MILION SLAVES living there (if you'd call that existence "living"). Prof. Bales explains this excelently in his book, "Disposable People: New Slavery in the Global Economy" and shows that there's a huge possibility that the cloth you're wearing right now was made by a slave (not necessarily in India, China has human rights violations beyond description, etc.). The website I gave you in one of my earlier posts, is the place where you want to go and get his book and many others. All...

At and t

Remember, reward is still on (visible below), just get the answer right: Which country is considered by the experts to have the biggest number of slaves in the world at the moment? Now don't think that that's all what this book is about. Although slavery is one of the worst examples, this book approaches the problem of unifying the legal solutions of all other major violations of human rights aswell (such as child molestation). And if you don't know, how will you tomorow prevent it? Anyway, on the lighter note, another blogging friend joined my Addictive Blog list, and he's the one who suggested new AdSense ads and the change of scenery - blame him if you don't like it. :) He'll give you all the new gadgets and web content you din't even think you needed, every day any day. Hey, the kid is trying, so give him some credit, right? Just recently, I've again started using my old personal yahoo email adress, because some of my friends have this bloody habbit ...

The Big Contest

Yep, it's here. After weeks of announcing and figuring out just how to promote it, here's the contest you've all been waiting for. Yes, it's gonna be tough, and yes, you can get this book just about anywhere else (especially Amazon :)), but is there anything smarter for you to do? Not really is there? That's why you should stick with me at least until the end of this post. Anyone who's been reading my blog for the past month knows that I was in a Human Rights class in Fall semester, and others that payed more attention to my posts know that my professor was Kevin Bales. For the class I needed to get this book and it's one of the few I haven't been sorry I did. The Mobilization of Shame: A World View of Human Rights (Softcover) by Robert F. Drinan The book has only been read oftenly, but I keep all my books in excelent condition (as my sister would tell you). Father (yes, he's a priest AND a human rights expert) Drinan here describes the history of t...

I'm Back

Just gotten back to OleMiss a couple of hours ago. The trips've been great, but tiresome so I'll brief today. But tomorow's another story. First, the surprise is: I'm giving away A BOOK! Yes, amazingly enough (if you didn't gather that much from my two clues :)) it will be a book about Human rights and the person that will get it (yes, just one 'cos it's one I bought for class and I really don't have enough money to give more then one) will have to answer the question correctly. Now I have one more thing I need to see from everyone who comes by these days and checks out my blog: please comment! It's not that difficult, and you don't have to write down the pinnackle of the human thought, you just have to click on comments. No registration, remain anonymous (though there's no need to), all you have to do is write down that combination of letters and numbers bloggers use just to avoid spamming comments with advertisements for p.... enlargement a...

Happy New Year!!!

Nice and short, just that the next year brings you and all your families joy, health and happines. Here're two photos from my New Years party last night, a party that was more Bosnian then the parties we have in Bosnia. :) Remember, this is North-West Chicago, and it's an all Bosnian party through and through - and there's a couple of thousand of people. These're also the people I'm staying with, from left to right: Lejla, Alma, Damir and Denis. Thanks on puting up with me. :)